The 41st annual Music City Invitational is October 19, 2019. Official registration will open in mid February. We hope to see you there for another outstanding day of competition and education!

The 41st annual Music City Invitational is October 19, 2019. Official registration will open in mid February. We hope to see you there for another outstanding day of competition and education!
The Band will not be participating today 12/8 in the Donelson Parade due to the inclement weather and potential instrument damage.
Click here to check your MCI student worker list. Report to the stadium ticket booth 15 minutes before your shift begins.
The band is selling first aid kits starting October 2. Click here for the brochure.
Click here for the 2018 MCI Trophy Sponsor/Presenter Form.
Band Students – Order your Chik Fila Sandwiches for 9/22 Siegel Contest lunch by this Friday 9/14.. Or Bring Sack Lunch from home. Click here.
Member Jackets are available to order this week. Deadline is Monday, 9/17. See CHARMS files or click here for order form. Members can try on jacket today, Monday after rehearsal or before evening rehearsal.
McGavock Band Spirit Wear is available one more time in the CHARMS store or on the link on the front page of the website. Orders for items including the official show shirt must be ordered no later than 9/14/2018. All orders will be available at band rehearsal in early October for pick up. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to show your spirit!! CLICK HERE
Spirit Wear/McClothing items are here early and will be available for pick up on the hill at rehearsal this evening 8/30 at 8:45 PM. Katherine Byington will have a table with your order labeled. Please sign for your order upon pick up. The tackle twill hoodies have yet to arrive.