Spring dates have now been posted in the 2018 Spring Overview. Please view these carefully so that you don’t miss anything! Lots of great things happening in the McGavock Band this semester!
2018 Spring Overview (PDF)
Spring dates have now been posted in the 2018 Spring Overview. Please view these carefully so that you don’t miss anything! Lots of great things happening in the McGavock Band this semester!
2018 Spring Overview (PDF)
Please see important dates for November/December below. Please make sure that students are at all events on time. Notice that we have after school rehearsals this week for both Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band.
Please see attached updated itinerary for the Contest of Resilience.
The future members of the McGavock band will join the current band members on October 28, 2017 at our home football game. This is a preview of your journey into the long blue line and an experience of a life time. Please contact your middle school band director for more information and all of the sheet music pdfs.
Please take notice that we have had a schedule change for next week. The football game has been moved to Thursday evening. Because of this, we will be having a camp day on Friday from 8AM – 4PM. Please plan accordingly.
The OCTOBER OVERVIEW is now available as well as an updated itinerary for next week’s Sonic Boom weekend.
Please see itinerary below for the Stones River Contest at Siegel this Saturday, October 1st.
Details: Friday, 9/29/17, 6:00 PM – Gather on the Band Lot Hill to March to Stadium, Please wear a McGavock Shirt. We will march around the track for the Homecoming parade and alumni will play the SSB and Fight Song on the field pre-game and in the stands with the current band members.
Sheet Music:
Star Spangled Banner PDF Parts
Fight Song PDF Parts
Please see itinerary for BOA Clarksville below.
Please see attached itinerary for our Friday rehearsal and Saturday Russellville Contest. Please take the time to read the entire itinerary and know what is happening.
The first football game is fast approaching! The itinerary for students is available in charms or by clicking the pdf link below.