NEED: High Angle Photo of Marching Band

Good morning!

We are in need of a high quality/high angle photo of the marching band show for use on the senior band plaque. The one we have from COC has lighting issues that eliminates it from being used. Please email Mr. Hazlett or Mr. Womack if you have a photo for use no later than Monday 4/10 or we will have to explore other options for the plaque.

Also, we are still in need of more action shots of the band from the 2016 season for the website! Please email links to Mr. Womack for posting on the band website.

Thank you,
John David Hazlett
Director of Bands

TMEA Wind Ensemble DVD/CD

We wanted to let you know about an awesome opportunity. ViaMedia Professional Recordings will be recording all performances at the TnMEA conference.  They use professional digital HD recording equipment for all audio and video, and multiple cameras in our video recordings. Their CDs and DVDs are attractively packaged in slimline cases with full-color inserts and discs featuring your group’s name and program information.

They are offering us a significant discount if they receive enough orders. You will be able to order the products tomorrow night after the Preview concert. They will be shipped to the school and distributed when they arrive.

Pricing is as follows:

DVDs:  $15.00 each (regular price: $25.00)
CDs:  $10.00 each (regular price: $20.00)

This is an awesome opportunity to have a valuable keepsake that students will enjoy for years to come.

Please see the attached order form. Please fill out and turn in with EXACT CHANGE or a Check made out to the McGavock Band Boosters.

Thank you all for your support. We are looking forward to tomorrow night and next Thursday’s concerts!

Wind Ensemble Camp #4

Please see itinerary below for the Wind Ensemble’s fourth and FINAL Saturday Camp this coming Saturday, March 4th. It is important that EVERY STUDENT IS HERE AND IS ON TIME. Thanks to the Music Makes Us initiative, we are able to bring in HIGH QUALITY instructors on each instrument to help with individual parts. This part of the learning process is absolutely pivotal to our success at our concert in April.

Students should plan to be in the band room by 8:45 to be ready to start in sectional rooms at 9:00AM.

Wind Ensemble Concert Camp #4 (PDF)

Wind Ensemble Camp Day #2

Please see itinerary below for the Wind Ensemble’s first Saturday Camp this coming Saturday, February 4th. It is important that EVERY STUDENT IS HERE AND IS ON TIME. Thanks to the Music Makes Us initiative, we are able to bring in HIGH QUALITY instructors on each instrument to help with individual parts. This part of the learning process is absolutely pivotal to our success at our concert in April.

Students should plan to be in the band room by 8:45 to be ready to start in sectional rooms at 9:00AM.

Wind Ensemble Camp Day #2 Itinerary (PDF)

Kenton Hull Music Ed Scholarship

The Kenton J. Hull, Jr. Music Education Scholarship Award was established by the Two Rivers High School and McGavock High School Band Alumni Association in memory of the band director of the former Two Rivers High School and founding director of the McGavock High School bands.

Kenny Hull inspired hundreds of his students to pursue the highest level of excellence in all facets of band performance. Many were motivated by his example to pursue music as a profession. We dedicate this scholarship to McGavock students interested in pursuing music as a career and who will strive for the excellence that Kenny Hull exemplified. There was a standard set on the day that the doors to McGavock High School opened and this scholarship is intended to aid students whose sights are set on advancement of that standard.

The Scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior from McGavock High School for use towards higher education in the field of music.

The amount of the one-time scholarship award will be determined annually based on the amount of funds in the account. Funds will be disbursed directly to the institution of higher learning, on behalf of the scholarship recipient after they have been accepted and enrolled in their music program.

The Scholarship Selection Committee will use the following criteria to determine the scholarship winner:

  • Demonstrated community service and spirit through involvement in school and/or community (including church) organizations, with an emphasis on music
  • Individual initiatives which exemplify character traits such as consideration for others, loyalty to community and country, respect for the beliefs and needs of others
  • Academic achievement
  • Musical achievement
  • Participation and leadership in musical activities
  • Anticipated enrollment in an accredited college or university with a declared major in Music

Applicant Requirements:

  • Be a graduating senior
  • Submit with the application a copy of your most recent high school transcript
  • Submit three letters of recommendation from a school official, teacher, employer, and/or activity One of the letters must be from a music teacher.
  • Submit an original essay, neatly typed on “importance of music in your life” 300 words
  • Submit all of the above to the selection committee by April 5, 2017.

Application (DOC) | Application (PDF)

MTSBOA Scholarships

A. Purpose:
The MTSBOA Leadership Scholarship and Musicianship Scholarship will be awarded annually to encourage and support young musicians in their pursuit of a higher education.

B. Award
The MTSBOA will award one $800.00 Leadership Scholarship each year. The award will be divided into two equal payments and will be made directly to the college or university, once enrollment has been verified, at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters of his or her freshman year. The MTSBOA will award one $1,600.00 Musicianship Scholarship each year. The award will be divided into two equal payments and will be made directly to the college or university, once enrollment has been verified, at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters of his or her freshman year.

C. Eligibility
Applicants must be a student in their senior year of high school and attend a college or university the following fall semester.

Musicianship applicants must be a student in their senior year of high school and attend a college or university the following fall semester with a declared major or minor in music.

Applicants must be nominated by his or her music director. Directors are limited to one nomination per scholarship from their program.

Applicants must meet the eligibility requirements as set forth in section V of the MTSBOA Constitution and By-Laws.

D. Application Procedures 
Leadership applicants must submit
1) a completed application form and
2) a 300 – 500 word essay. The topic of the essay should be “how music education has affected my life.”

Applicants should describe how studying music and being a member of their school music program has impacted their life and prepared them for the future. A panel of judges will select the best essay with content related to the topic, as well as correct grammar, punctuation, etc. Essays will be reviewed under anonymity; applicants should refrain from referring to their school and director by name. Applicants should include their name at the top of the essay, which will only be used to keep materials together; judges will not see this name.

Musicianship applicants must submit
1) a completed application form,
2) a CD/mp3 recording and 3) a copy of the music performed on the recording, (EMAIL SUBMISSIONS PREFERRED).

The recording should be three to six minutes in length with the applicant performing a solo, movement from a concerto, or etudes of contrasting styles. Accompaniment is recommended but is not a requirement. a The CD/mp3 must be clearly marked with the applicant’s name and compact discs must be playable on a standard CD player. Please be advised that a poor recording sound quality may affect the applicant’s score. Application materials, including the recording, will not be returned to the applicant.

E. Deadline
Deadline for scholarship applications will be the February MTSBOA meeting, submitted in person or postmarked by that date. All materials must be submitted at the same time; please be sure that the Musicianship recordings are of good quality before sending them in.

Materials should be sent to or MTSBOA Scholarship Committee, C/O Jazmin Jordan, Stewarts Creek Middle School, 400 Red Hawk Parkway, Smyrna, Tn 37167. F. Winners 1 Both the Leadership and Musicianship Scholarship winners will be announced at the April MTSBOA meeting. At that point, acceptance letters will be emailed to the scholarship recipients, and are due by the first Friday in May

|- 2017 MTSBOA Scholarship Packet (PDF) -|

Midstate Congratulations

Congratulations to the following band students on auditioning and being selected for the All Mid-State Honor Bands this past Saturday at Antioch.  Both George Powell and Jonathan Graves made the 9/10 silver band on trumpet! These students will travel to MTSU and perform with the best band musicians in Middle TN in January. Again, congratulations on this outstanding accomplishment!

11th/12th Mid-State Congrats!

Congratulations to the following band students on auditioning and being selected for the All Mid-State Honor Bands this past Saturday. Aaron Cook made 1st chair French Horn in the 11th/12th grade Silver Band. Brandon Kraus made 7th chair Percussion in the 11th/12th grade Silver Band. These students will travel to MTSU and perform with the best band musicians in Middle TN in January. Again, congratulations on this outstanding accomplishment!