The McGavock Band is funded solely through student and family fundraising efforts, donations, and community partnerships. The Band Boosters are a 501c3 organization. GIVE TODAY AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE!


You MUST submit proof quarterly of your enrollment in this program. (BY528) link your rewards card to your McGavock Band Boosters. Community Rewards is easy to use!
How to register your Kroger Plus card with McGavock Band Booster – BY528(organization number) Go to
- Go to “menu”
- Click “save”
- Scroll down and click “Kroger Community Rewards”
- Click “Im a Customer” – “Want to enroll in Community Rewards”
- Click “View Details”
- You must have a Kroger account to participate. If you do not have a Kroger account, it will instruct you how to set up an account with your Kroger Plus card.
Earnings come quarterly – you earn what is listed for “previous earnings” on your account summary. An email will come out each quarter from the band telling you to print out your “Account Summary”. The amount listed on “previous earnings’ will be placed in your child’s band account. Get people to sign up and give you a print out of their account summary as well. Contact Christy Earl at if you have any questions about this program. We do not know what percentage of purchases go towards the earnings.