We hope you are having a great summer and wanted to check in with a few final reminders before we kick off the 2022 MB season on August 1st. We have been hard at working making preparations and designing the 22 Marching Band Season and Production…Re:Imagination! Welcome to the LONG BLUE LINE. We can’t wait to see you at the first Band Parent/Booster meeting on 8/1 at 6 PM. Important info will be provided and forms are due that evening. Also, make sure to officially register for the MB by clicking here and completing the short 2022 MB Registration Form. We must know you will be participating as we prepare to write drill and make final financial commitments and preparations for the season. WELCOME!
Mr. Hazlett and Mr. DePriest
Show LOGO for Re:Imagination revealed. CLICK HERE for image. All MB students will be provided an official show shirt with the image to wear at the first home game performance!

Remember – all new and returning students wishing to be members of the 2022 Marching Band must complete the online registration form at McGavockBand.com/registration ASAP, this was due in May. Make sure you don’t miss out on this amazing experience and life long memories! The McGavock Band has a rich tradition and has room for all experience levels of student. CLICK HERE for testimonial.
A reminder of upcoming dates from the band calendar. CLICK HERE FOR BAND CALENDAR AND TO SYNC TO YOUR PHONE.
7/29 7:00 PM MTSU DCI Drum Corps International Competition (On Own, DCI.org for tix)
8/1 3:00 – 4:30 PM Band Room *MB Student Leader Candidate Meeting (for students that attended April training)
8/1 6:00 PM North Café Band Booster/Parent Meeting (all families must have a parent present)
8/1 6:00-8:30 PM Band Room MB Rehearsal (Percussion and Color Guard Only)
8/2 6:00-8:30 PM Band Room MB Rehearsal (All Students)
8/3 5:00-7:00 PM Band Room MB Performance at Freshman Orientation (Selected Veteran Students)
8/4 6:00 NO REHEARSAL 10-12 Grade School Orientation
8/5 6:00-8:30 PM Band Room MB Rehearsal (All Students)
Both required forms for are due at the Band Booster/Parent Meeting at 6 PM in the North Caferia. Please make sure and read the McGavock Band Member Manual for other requirements including bottled water cases. Click Here to acces the forms and info from the band website. All MB students must have a new and updated physical completed after May 1, 2022 to participate. The required form is available on the forms page of the website. All signatures must be present to be turned in.
2022 Warm Ups, STANDS PEP TUNES MUSIC and 2022 MB SHOW MUSIC for Re:Imagination are available for download and students should begin to practice and memorize ASAP. CLICK HERE for MB Warm Ups. CLICK HERE for Show Music PDF files. CLICK HERE for Stands Pep Music PDF files. *Percussion music will be sent out soon from Mr. DePriest after Mr. Palmer finishes the parts. Audio files are also available in the download folders. Please make sure to practice and be ready for the first rehearsals starting August 1st. Time is of the essence as we prepare to learn the show for the first performance.
CLICK HERE for Youtube video of the marching show music (without battery percussion parts – coming soon).
The Booster Board has been hard at work selecting several potentiual fundraisers for the year. Make sure and attend the parent meeting 8/1 to hear more details and how you can play an imporant part in this essential aspect for the band. It takes everyone doing their part to ensure the financial success of the Band! Due to low participation last year, the program is seeking ways to activate more families for fundraising opportunities and reaching out to community. If you have connections or expertise in this area please contact Band Booster President, Brandon Perdue at President@McGavockBand.com
The Booster Board is currently working on McBand Clothing fanwear options for fans, parents, and supporters that you will want to purchase. Stay tuned for more details from the Booster Board as this takes shape!
8/1 3:00 – 4:30 PM Band Room *MB Student Leader Candidate Meeting (for students that attended April training)
Please use any influence and contacts you may have to invite and reach out to the incoming 8th grade band students as well as last year band members. We want as many students as possible to continue in the amazing experience of the McGavock Band and what promises to be an amazing marching show production!
Do you have questions? Please email the directors or booster board at mcgavockband.com/contact and we will do our best to help. Make sure and attend the band parent meeting as well on 8/1 at 6 PM in the North Cafeteria (McGavock Pike side).