butterbraidOur last scheduled fundraiser for the band this school year starts on Friday, January 29th and ends February 12th.  We are selling butter braid pastries.  They cost $14 and you make $5.26 off of each pastry sold if we sell less than 300 pastries, or you make $5,81 if we sell 300 or more pastries. 

Forms will be in the band room by the dry erase board starting January 29th.  Checks need to be made payable to McGavock Band Boosters.  A copy of the order form is on Charms or by clicking here

Please contact Christy Earl at if you have questions.

Kenton J Hull Scholarship

The Kenton J. Hull, Jr. Music Education Scholarship Award was established by the Two Rivers High School and McGavock High School Band Alumni Association in memory of the band director of the former Two Rivers High School and founding director of the McGavock High School bands.

Kenny Hull inspired hundreds of his students to pursue the highest level of excellence in all facets of band performance. Many were motivated by his example to pursue music as a profession. We dedicate this scholarship to McGavock students interested in pursuing music as a career and who will strive for the excellence that Kenny Hull exemplified. There was a standard set on the day that the doors to McGavock High School opened and this scholarship is intended to aid students whose sights are set on advancement of that standard.

The Scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior from McGavock High School for use towards higher education in the field of music.

The amount of the one-time scholarship award will be determined annually based on the amount of funds in the account. Funds will be disbursed directly to the institution of higher learning, on behalf of the scholarship recipient after they have been accepted and enrolled in their music program.

PDF Application | DOC Application

MTSBOA Scholarship

The Middle Tennessee State Band and Orchestra Association annually hands out two scholarships for seniors that are top notch. A leadership scholarship of $800 and a Musician scholarship of $1600 will be awarded to the top candidates.This is due NO LATER than February 26th. Please get this in early! There are several things you must do so don’t wait until the last minute or it won’t get turned in.


The MTSBOA will award one $800.00 Leadership Scholarship each year. The award will be divided into two equal payments and will be made directly to the college or university,
once enrollment has been verified, at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters of his
or her freshman year. The MTSBOA will award one $1,600.00 Musicianship Scholarship each year. The award will be divided into two equal payments and will be made directly to the college or university, once enrollment has been verified, at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters of his or her freshman year.


  • Applicants must be a student in their senior year of high school and attend a college
    or university the following fall semester.
  • Musicianship applicants must be a student in their senior year of high school and attend a
    college or university the following fall semester with a declared major or minor in music.
  • Applicants must be nominated by his or her music director. Directors are limited to
    one nomination per scholarship from their program.
  • Applicants must meet the eligibility requirements as set forth in section V of the
    MTSBOA Constitution and By-Laws.

You can find the full information packet on Charms or by clicking here.

First Aid Kit Fundraiser

Don’t forget about our current fundraiser – Save Around coupon books.  They cost $20 and you earn $10 for each book sold.  You receive one free book if you sell five books.  This sale ends January 29th.

On Monday, January 11th, we will start our first aid kit fundraiser.  This is a home first aid kit and an auto first aid kit.  They sell for $10 and you make $6 off of each one sold.  This sale ends January 29th.  A  sale sheet and information sheet can be found here.  Printed copies can also be picked up in the band room beginning January 11th.  Please contact Christy Earl if you have questions at

First Aid Kit Fundraiser

Don’t forget about our current fundraiser – Save Around coupon books.  They cost $20 and you earn $10 for each book sold.  You receive one free book if you sell five books.  This sale ends January 29th.

On Monday, January 11th, we will start our first aid kit fundraiser.  This is a home first aid kit and an auto first aid kit.  They sell for $10 and you make $6 off of each one sold.  This sale ends January 29th.  A  sale sheet and information sheet can be found here.  Printed copies can also be picked up in the band room beginning January 11th.  Please contact Christy Earl if you have questions at